Primary languages made simple!



Learning languages without videos would be pretty dull!


easyMFL uses videos throughout the course to make learning engaging and more interactive.


Some of our course videos are now available on Youtube - if you don't currently use easyMFL, check them out below! Tap the video to start playing!

"Jacques et les haricots magiques"


Year 3 Unit 4 is all about Jack and the beanstalk in French! This video sets the scene for the unit.



Year 4 Unit 9 deals with Cinderella in French. In this unit, pupils get to act out the play in French!

"Je suis le musicien"


Year 5 Unit 14 introduces musical instruments in French. What better way than with the French version of "I am the music man"!

"Si tu aimes le soleil..."


Year 5 Unit 18 presents seasons in French. A French nursery rhyme about sunshine in spring? Si tu aimes le soleil, frappe des mains!